Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

Joomla 3.2.0 passwords issue - SOLVED

Joomla 3.2.0 is a result of terrible coding and total irresponsibility: users registration and password reset are broken and passwords are not recognized. Please note that Joomla 3.2.1+ doesn't have these issues.
We suffered from this a couple of days and finally propose a solution, though you can just install and downgrade.
Edit /libraries/joomla/user/helper.php:
1. Change
$encrypted = ($salt) ? md5($plaintext . $salt) : md5($plaintext);
$encrypted = ($salt) ? md5($plaintext . $salt) . ':' . $salt : md5($plaintext);
Edit /libraries/joomla/user/user.php:
2. Change
$array['password'] = $crypt . ':' . $salt;
$array['password'] = $crypt;
Edit /components/com_users/models/reset.php:
3. Change
$password = $crypted . ':' . $salt;
$password = $crypted;
4. Change
if (!($crypt == $testcrypt))
if (!($user->activation == $testcrypt))
5. Change
$testcrypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($data['token'], $salt);
$testcrypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($data['token'], $salt, 'md5-hex');
Edit /plugins/authentication/joomla/joomla.php:
6. Change
if ($crypt == $testcrypt)
if ($result->password == $testcrypt)

Reset your password if it still doesn't work after these changes.
Reference link

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 6, 2015

Widgetkit 2 Map multi Icon markers

Description: Each map use own icon marker. Must edit code

Solution 3 steps:
#1. New field 'icon' at administrator>map. lable icon, name icon, type media
#2. Edit widget.php:
File: administrator\components\com_widgetkit\plugins\widgets\map\views\widget.php
Line : 18
'icon' =>$item['icon']

#3. Edit map.js:
file: administrator\components\com_widgetkit\plugins\widgets\map\assets\maps.js
file and replace code.
google.maps.Marker({position:new google.maps.LatLng(,t.lng),map:i,title:t.title,icon: t.icon});

Images instruction:

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 6, 2015

admin com_installer&view=manage blank page

Description: /administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=manage blank page. Not view error. Joomla 3.4.1
File edit: administrator\components\com_installer\models\extension.php
Line 69: /*$this->translate($result);*/

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 6, 2015

com_weblinks joomla 3.4.1 get from jomla 3.1 - 3.3

Description: joomla 3.4.1 com_weblinks not found. Search internet not better.
Solution: get com_weblinsk from older joomla version (joomla 3.2-joomla 3.3)
#1. Copy administrator\components\com_weblinks
#2. Copy components\com_weblinks
#3. database table #_extensions export & import 1 record 'com_widgekit'
#4. database table #_menu export & import 3 record:

Good luck

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 6, 2015

Check MySQL connect_timeout

Description: Check mysql connec time out. Increate more time. Default is 10 miliseconds
run query:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'connect_timeout';
SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=1000;

Notes: Set global not work: contact to host edit setting connect time.